Monday, March 28, 2011

Amy - The Problem Solver...

It is no secret that I am anxious to meet someone to share my life with again. As a matter of fact, I find it hard to believe that I once (not too long ago) had myself convinced that I would remain happily single the rest of my life. It is just not possible (for me).

David’s mission statement was live life to the fullest finding fun in all we do… It is so awesome knowing that while facing the daily horrors we did, he and I still lived by that motto each and every day. I am so proud that we did not let David’s cancer win that battle. David had cancer, but cancer did not have him. And yet now living life to the fullest finding fun in all I do is ridiculously hard while alone. As I’ve said before, I am best as a team. Rolling solo isn’t doing me well. It just isn’t me.

During a brief moment of desperation last weekend I completed the online EHarmony registration. Although I later discovered that online dating ISN’T for me, I am grateful I completed the registration as it got me thinking. I’m in sales. I have been in some sort of sales for quite some time. One would think I’d have a pretty good handle on selling myself right!?! Not so much. Amy, what are three words that best describe you? Husbandless, Childless, Broke. Hummm…. Okay. Probably not the best descriptive words to use on an online dating profile. I had to dig deep. I love with all my heart. I give my all for what I’m passionate about and I am an excellent problem solver. The first two are great qualities in my opinion. I love quickly, whole heartily and faithfully. I put 110% effort into what means a lot to me. Great stuff, but unique? No. Not so much. That doesn’t make me all that special right?!? That problem solver gig... Now that is good stuff. I rock that quality big time. I’m not just talking about fixing a broken dishwasher. I’m talking about the big stuff. Let’s face it – I’ve been challenged with some pretty damn big stuff!!! That is when I’m on my A game. I don’t know if that is a big selling point, but I am who I am. I can get stuff done.

Now don’t get me wrong, I certainly DO NOT want to acquire someone else’s mega problems to solve. I think I deserve a break from that. I just simply need to be needed. I want to be the receiving end of someone’s most inner personal thoughts. I want someone who I can share my own with (beside my poor momma and sister who have been subjected to it all the last year). I want to be the first person someone dials when they have news they cannot wait to share. I want to prepare dinners, and set alarm clocks, and buy deodorant for someone special again. I want to have the challenge of balancing the families for the holidays. You get the idea. I need to be part of a team where I am relied on for love, for trust and for needs. I need to be needed more than in the way my dogs and my employer need me. I will never feel whole again until I find that, and I’d like to feel whole again so badly.

After all, people who need people are the luckiest people in the world… Right Babs!?! I love Babs!!!!

I watched Funny Girl yesterday just for this scene. What a great movie. LOVE the classics! Thank you momma for instilling in me the importance of classic music and movies. Maybe someday I will pass that on to my child?!? Talk about being needed!!! Maybe that is why my biological clock is beating louder and harder than ever?!? =D

Have a great week all.

With love,



  1. I totally have been doing eharmony for a few months and I am so SICK OF IT! MY membership is up in a week and I am DONE. It's just become more annoying than helpful. I've just asked some close friends to really pray with me for a future husband. Hopefully someone will come around - haha!

    I love your inclusion of "buy deodorant" heehee - I think of things like discovering the new someone's favorite cologne and toothpaste and all of that "little" stuff again too. Can't wait :) It'll happen! We're too awesome for it not to! :)

  2. I love how you're taking the time to figure out the next stage in your life, Amy! You might want to consider "needing to be wanted" instead of "needing to be needed." I have always loved the idea of being married to someone who does not need me to be happy and whole, but someone who WANTS to share their happiness and wholeness with me. If you go into dating looking at it this way, you might be less attracted to those who are looking to be made whole and will instead fall in love with someone who is just looking to LOVE. I think you deserve that!


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