Friday, June 11, 2010



Hello all. I hope you have had a nice week.

I have been doing a lot of thinking this week about mine and David’s wonderful marriage, and that thinking has led me to this posting. I hope you enjoy.

What makes a good marriage? Is it the income, the home, the cars, the family, the sex? What is it? What makes it “work”?

I have heard so many people say that a good marriage takes work. Hummm… David and I discussed that a lot. Work? You see, there wasn’t a lot of work involved with our marriage. It was easy. Effortless. It just was and what exactly it was – perfect. No, not flawless but perfection does not need to be flawless. Ladies, let me point out your engagement ring. Is that diamond flawless? No – but to you I am sure it is perfect. You get my point? Perfection = When to souls come together and become one, when a relationship is established that is unbreakable, when love is given unconditionally. That is perfection. On 9/18/2004 David and I celebrated our “perfection” and that will continue throughout eternity.

So again, what makes such a good marriage? I’m no expert. When you look at it, I only have 5.5 years worth of experience. I will give myself some credit though. In those 5.5 years – over 3 of them were spent experiencing what most people endure years and years into their marriage if ever. Nevertheless, here is my two cents.

It is the little things. That is it in a nutshell. Do I miss living in our home together – yes, Do I miss driving David anywhere he wanted to go – yes, do I miss our amazing family time – yes, do I miss making love – YES! Those elements were great in our marriage, but what made us tick, what made us great were the little things. Those millions of precious, irreplaceable little things.

So, what are your little things?

What would you miss the most if all that were gone in one single heartbreaking moment?

Need a little help?

If I were presented these same questions just one year ago, I’m sure my list would be way shorter than what I can come up with today.

Here are some samples of my own little things my heart craves each and every moment of every single day.

- Seeing David walk down the hallway in his boxers on a weekend morning after he FINALLY has woken to spend the day with me. =)
- Hearing David chop ice with his teeth even though I HATE that sound
- Listing to David mumble his favorite songs under his breath as we drive down the road
- Seeing the happiness in David’s eyes while being surrounded by our loving and supportive friends and family
- Witnessing those famous dance moves that were so rare and seen by so few
- Simple trips to Kroger – his joy in my thrifty coupon clipping, and his produce knowledge. He could tell me what every fruit, vegetable, herb was – you name it he knew it
- The freckles, those eyes – that laugh. Oh God that unmistaken laugh…

My point to all this is, don’t wait until it is too late to fully appreciate those small things. Appreciate them today because when (If) they are gone, you would do anything to have them back. What I would not give for one last Kroger trip!

Here is a tribute to my amazing marriage I brag constantly about… Enjoy! =)

Have a wonderful weekend full of love and fun folks.



  1. The one thing I miss most is calling/texting/emailing Isaac whenever something happens that is important or makes me think of him. I can't tell you how many times a week something will come up that was an inside joke for us, and I'll think "Oh I have to text..." and then I'll remember.

  2. Your marriage reminds me so much of mine! Jason and I have never understood the "marriage takes work" idea. I would definitely agree that good communication takes work sometimes, but I have to work at that with anyone, and overall, I've had to work at it the least with Jason. I can understand why you feel like you will be forever damaged goods. When you have had this kind of love, it seems to guarantee that you can completely break. But when I look at pictures of you, I feel so strongly the power of love to mend and heal. I don't see how you could feel that now...the pain is so great. But I just wanted you to know that I see it there. Maybe it is a glimmer of something deeply true.

  3. Amy - I somehow ran across your blog tonight and even though I'm usually a lurker, I decided I should post. I just wanted to let you know I'll be thinking of you and sending good vibes your way as you make your way through the horrible "journey" called grief. Hang in there...


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