Hello beloved followers…
I’m back.
So if you’re still reading this, thanks for hangin’ in with me.
I’m good. I really am. No bull-shit here. I.AM.GOOD.
I cried my eyes out tonight. And that’s rare.
I went to see The Vow tonight. And it could have been the stout Watermelon Martini I had beforehand (that was $10 BTW) but more likely the movie.
My smart friends have probably read the book. I have not. I like the idea of reading the book. I just hate the actual READING part. The movie (although perfect) left me wanting to know more about the story. I want to know everything about Paige and Leo.
This post isn’t about The Vow or Paige and Leo (the characters). But it is a great TRUE story. If you appreciate honest to goodness true, selfless, give your all, lie down and die for you love, you will love the movie.
This posting is about honest to goodness true, selfless, give your all, lie down and die for you love…
I once had that. I am blessed. And I will never under appreciate that. EVER.
In Paige and Leo’s wedding vows Paige calls their love for one another a “Once in a Lifetime Love”.
That idea of “Once in a Lifetime Love” made me sad - like cry my eyes out sad.
Not like cry my eyes out until I’m sick and can’t get out of bed sad. More like fuck, I’m 33 (almost) and I’ve burned up my once in a lifetime love already!
I have no regrets. NONE! I still love Dave. And I always will. I am so proud of our rockstar love. It is my proudest achievement.
But have I used up my one shot at uber happiness? You see -- I am healed. I am SO ready to give this healed heart of mine away again. But damn, it will have to feel as good as the first time. And if that “one time” is gone, all this hope I have built up is useless…. And that made me sad.
The movie progressed.
Leo looks at a friend of his while describing his current situation with wife Page, and he said the most amazing thing. (I’m telling you, see the movie)
He says, “The weeks leading up to Paige falling in love with me was the best time of my life, and I get to do it again.”
Ahhh…. BINGO!
Nope, I can’t love Dave back to life, but I can be hopeful that I get my second chance at that “Once in a Lifetime Love”. And maybe - just maybe I can be even better at it. Experience counts for a lot… I think. =)
Love Y’all!
Until next time…