See below:
January 29, 2009
1) I am married to an AMAZING man who has fought off Sarcoma (very rare & aggressive cancer) 5 times in less than 2 years, and continues to defy all odds daily.
2) In saying #1, I obviously believe in miracles!!! God is better than good, He’s remarkable.
3) I want to become an oncology nurse almost as much as I want to cure cancer itself.
4) My family is the most amazing bunch of, loving, caring, and supportive people I could ever ask for and I’m extremely blessed to have them!
5) I could not picture a day without my wonderful dogs, Vinnie & Libby.
6) I have spent most of my working career in an industry I have come to despise. HELP
7) I have a very old car and I could not be more OK with that. It is cheap and reliable.
8) I will never be wealthy because of my generosity. This is why David is bothered with charity phone calls all day while I’m working. Poor guy, we are poor and pestered constantly. :)
9) My most prized possession is my home because of how hard David worked to see that we have it. Did I mention he is amazing!?!
10) I wish I had more gumption to make that “prized possession” look more like a trophy house. I hate to clean!!!
11) I have a very low tolerance for petty issues. Useless drama makes me insane because unfortunately I know real drama.
12) In saying #11 I feel like I can’t be as good as a friend/family member as I once was able to be and I HATE that about myself.
13) I admit I have severe paranoia. David reminds me ALL the time.
14) I am the most sentimental person I know.
15) I can’t believe how much I have come to love NASCAR and dirt track racing.
16) I eat candy and drink Mountain Dew like it was my job – not healthy habits!!!
17) I love to cook. Breakfast and Mexican are my specialties.
18) I am a blog nut. I feel like a stalker because I follow so many people’s lives via their personal blogs that I have never met. Blogging myself has become my own personal therapy session.
19) I would like to someday write a book about embracing life and all its blessings during the darkest of times. I find the most peace within myself by staying in this mind frame.
20) I LOVE to vacation. A vacation is not a true vacation without a beach or racetrack.
21) NetFlix is WONDERFUL!
22) My feet hurt all the time, but I hear yoga toes will be the answer to my issue. We will soon see. :)
23) I LOVE to have my head rubbed. I would have my hair professionally shampooed daily if I could afford it.
24) I love candles and fresh cut flowers.
25) I LOVE to give gifts, but would personally prefer a thoughtfully picked out card than a fancy present any day.
Wow how times change!
So here is my 2011 version of 25 Randoms about Amy
1) Top 5’s --- I love my family, my dogs, my friends, music and NASCAR in that order.
2) I think the cleverest song ever written is Long Black Veil written by Danny Dill and Marijohn Wilkin, and performed best by The Dave Matthews Band (See Here). Sorry Johnny Cash. I am a HUGE fan but DMB just does it better.
3) This one is for the fellas. ;) I think (for me anyway) the best “panty dropping” song is I Wanna Make You Close Your Eyes by Dierks Bentley (See Here). I don’t know what it is about that song but… Woah… Maybe it is just Dierks cause I need to feel THAT fire. ;) Just kidding --- sorta.
4) While I’m on it… The song I get the most pleasure listening to right now (it will change tomorrow) is Moves Like Jagger by Maroon 5 (See Here). And it goes like this……
5) I have seen some beautiful places in my 32 years of travels but The Cumberland Gap tops that list. (See Here) I won tickets to Bristol Motor Speedway in Bristol, TN last month. It was on the drive down I discovered this hidden treasure in Kentucky, or was it Tennessee or wait – maybe that was Virginia. I was in all three states within 5 miles. Absolutely gorgeous.
6) Dating certainly isn’t as hard as keeping a dying man alive, but it sure as hell isn’t easy either.
7) I am still the most sentimental person I know, but the sentiment of the Big Blue Money Pit (Dave’s Dodge Ram truck) is wearing off. Not that I can afford a car payment (cause I physically cannot work 3 jobs) but I just don’t want the damn thing anymore. The day I sign that hunk of metal over to its new owner will be a tough one, but that day is coming. I hope anyway.
8) Doe urine STINKS – BAD! I am not sure why I still have such a thing in my garage but I can tell you that when it spills it is gross! Neighbors – don’t be surprised if you see a 12 point buck hanging out in my driveway. I accidently lured him in. ;)
9) Speaking of hunting… I’ve been thinking of all the fall’s I used the term hunting widow. Yep --- spent many cold mornings alone in bed and then brisk afternoons helping rinse deer guts out of the bed of the money pit. That was typically followed by a nice evening “nap” cause my man knew how to smooth things over with his hunting widow. =D Anyway, there is a song about this out now and I LOVE it. Check it out (See Here) LOVE the Pistol Annies!

10) I’ll also own the fact that I STILL find myself watching the hunting shows on The Outdoor Channel. I swear some of those guys should really do porn because the way they get off on shooting that defenseless white tail --- I can only imagine --- well you get the picture. ;)
11) Jeff Ruby makes the BEST coffee ever. Seriously. You MUST try it. It is packaged by Millstone. (Here) Its phenomenal. I get mine at the Mall Road Kroger in Florence. It’s hard to find.
12) I have epilepsy. I have had it for over 20 years now. Not many people know that. So – there it is. Welcome to “the know”.
13) Speaking of Epilepsy… I was on Depakote for 20 years treating it. Depakote is the devil. Especially on my poor teeth. In May I went to see the same Neurologist who treated Dave after he had his stroke just before he died. He is an awesome doctor. Anyway, he switched me to a new medicine and it is awesome (not to mention it works). My hair is growing like crazy! I went to the dentist on Monday and my teeth are in much better condition and they are even getting pretty and white again. THANK GOD. The coolest news is that this new med is perfectly safe for pregnancy which wasn’t the case with Depakote. I AM NOT PREGGO. It is just good to know I now can be without concern. That is if I can find a man with swimmers. =)
14) That brings me to my next point. Men – unless you are 110% sure you are A- either done having kids or B- in a relationship you know will last forever. Think twice about jumping into the big V. You’d be surprised how many single 30 something’s have been clipped. ;) I swear in my next life I am going to be a urologist. That is a big business.
15) Did you know that I can change the oil in a car, a furnace filter AND drive a track-hoe. All facts!

I swear that is me
16) With that said, I believe with 110% certainly I was meant to be a boy.
17) I think it should be illegal to have the NASCAR Nationwide Series race on Saturdays at the same time my Buckeyes are playing. Now that becomes a dilemma. So far so good.
18) I am obsessed with True Religion jeans even though I cannot afford them.
19) I think the very best smelling candle is the Saltkin & Co. Fireside candle you can find during the holidays at Bath & Body Works. I burn one all year long and stock up on them at the After Christmas Sale.
20) The Vera Wang shoes at Kohl’s are adorable and my absolute favorites. Sorry Steve Madden you are now #2 buddy!
21) I really really miss cooking. There are a few things in life I am pretty damn good at and it is a shame I don’t get to enjoy them more often.
22) I am letting my hair grow. No kidding. Hell --- I have a healthy head of hair again. I may as well enjoy it!
23) I miss summer already. I love the cooler weather and all the great sports on TV but I really really hate seeing summer go this year. I need to see a beach just one more time before the snow and ice hits….
24) I went to buy a shredder at Wal-Mart the other day. Did you know they are expensive and provide zero as is NONE enjoyment out of life. I opted for a fire pit instead --- otherwise known as “the bill burner”. Yep --- that was an excellent decision. I know --- I am a genius.
25) Last but certainly not least – Sunday Dave and I would have been married lucky 7 years. Dave was the best thing that has ever happened to me and I suspect he’ll always hold that award. So here is a song to honor that love, God Gave Me You (See Here). On my own I’m only half of what I could be. Now that is a true statement! So I still pray every day this half will become whole again.
Happy 7th ^^Love^^.
If you have hung in this long – wow. I hope you at least enjoyed yourself.
Love y’all